If you could go back in time....


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's the middle ages L3ggy. Wrenches haven't been invented yet. :facepalm:

A wench not and wrench.

A voluptuous female pirate type woman, usally with a firey attitude, and usually seen around taverns and bars, seaside fishing towns, and wherever pirates roam.

Now that I think about it would probably suit PK more.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
June 6th 1944, Omaha beach, Normandy France, and I would take modern video equipment. I think it's important people know what was sacrificed, for their freedoms.
June 6th 1944, Omaha beach, Normandy France, and I would take modern video equipment. I think it's important people know what was sacrificed, for their freedoms.

Best damn reply yet!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Very noble.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You want to kill people that bad?


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I'd go back to the time of Jesus and watch him walk on water and make thousands of fish and bread loaves out of a few.
I'd rather go travel a thousand years before and visit Mount Olympus
so I can see Zeus cast lighting and Hera do all that stuff she did.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


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If Odin's so super special awesome then how did he lose an eye? Zeus wouldn't have let that happen.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Shifty after a recent excursion to the past. Cool sword, brah!


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND